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Welcome to the ADayInTheLifeOfAGun.Org landing page. We are dedicated to creating works of thoughtful content questioning the role of guns and the place they should occupy in our society.

We are not against guns but we are against gun violence. We seek to prevent the reckless placement of firearms in the hands of those not able to handle them safely or responsibly. Of those folks, there are all too many, as our sad and horrific history since 1968 remorselessly relates.

It was in that year, 1968, 56 years ago, that my friend and I created a five minute slide show on gun violence for our 8th grade English class.

We are inspired by a simple narrative slide show created by a couple of eighth graders (ourselves, in an earlier life) depicting a metaphorical story of gun violence in Fall of 1968.

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Additionally, if you have any other suggestions and/or questions please write to us at Info@ADayInTheLifeOfAGun.Org

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